908 Devices

Launch creative for biotech pioneer

908 Devices makes various highly advanced biotech instruments that allow scientists to access critical bioprocessing data easily. With a growing product line and focus on the life science and field forensics vertical markets, they are a mission-driven team aiming to bring cutting-edge analytics tools to broader audiences.

Services Provided: Launch Strategy, Campaign Development, Collateral Design, Motion Design, Digital Design, Marketing Materials

The 908 Devices marketing team approached LESS+MORE with a unique challenge. They were preparing to launch two breakthrough instruments designed to serve similar market segments in dramatically different ways in the same calendar year. Each would need its own independent but related creative campaign. They needed to draw attention to each product and help message their unique differences while positioning them in a way that supported sales of both. Most important, the first product was due to be announced at a trade show happening in eight weeks, so time was of the essence.

LESS+MORE was tasked with developing campaign strategies, creative concepts, and a full suite of assets for both launch efforts, starting with the first product, MAVEN. The marketing deliverables included advertising, social media, email campaigns, trade show support, collateral materials, and video development.

We began by leading the 908 team through our strategy phase, which includes discovery interviews with internal stakeholders, an interactive group session, follow-up reviews, and ultimately the articulation and refinement of a strategic framework that would serve as the foundation for creative development. Our process helped us identify the most valuable areas to focus our creative efforts for MAVEN, understand how it could coexist with the following product in the pipeline, and establish crucial early alignment between the product and marketing teams.

Next, we leveraged our campaign strategy and developed multiple creative directions for evaluation. We explored broadly within the strategic parameters established, presenting three unique directions in rough. We facilitated creative reviews, gathered valuable feedback, and evolved the selected direction – which garnered the team’s immediate and enthusiastic response – before quickly moving on to building out the various deliverables.

The delivery was phased according to a master launch plan. Email, social media, and PR channels were used to tease the launch and drive our target audiences to webinar sign-up landing pages and trade show events in Florida and California. The initial response exceeded expectations. Our email open rates topped industry standards, and the concerted pre-launch marketing led to more qualified leads than 908 had attracted with any previous campaigns.

MAVEN received steady interest and ongoing sales inquiries as the campaign rolled out. The 908 Devices team declared the launch a success and shared that they had never experienced such a smooth and easy process as they did with LESS+MORE. Positive feedback came from the highest levels of leadership, and we were explicitly praised for our responsiveness and attention to detail at such an important and potentially stressful time for the company.

Currently, we are developing the strategy and creative work for the second product launch while continuing to help 908 Devices strengthen its product messaging and overall marketing strategies. Big things are on the horizon for 908 Devices, and LESS+MORE is proud to be a part of that success.

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